Here at Nayikha, we are very selective about our fabrics. Our team members work 

relentlessly to research unique and innovative textiles such as orange fiber, banana fiber,

wood pulp fiber and bamboo fiber. As our beloved customer, you can be confident that

you are receiving products of high caliber. We go every mile of the way to ensure that we

are using quality textiles to produce luxurious pieces that sit comfortably on your skin.




Kuravalli Cotton

Our signature Kuravalli cotton is produced by a Telugu family situated in a small town outside of Chennai. They use a unique handloom technique that has been passed down from one generation to another. This creation is a special trademark that is close to their hearts and their passion for this art form has led them to create high quality fabrics, year after year. We are happy to have met them and cannot wait for you to try this product!

Orange Fiber

Orange fiber is an interesting material used to produce some of our cotton sarees and alternative silk sarees. The fiber comes from a process which extracts complex carbohydrates known as citrus cellulose, from oranges that would otherwise be discarded as waste. The carbohydrates are then converted to a polymer that makes it possible to spin this extract into its yarn form.

Bamboo Fiber

Bamboo is a fascinating plant to grow. It takes the least amount of time to harvest and can regrow on the same stalk. It is commonly planted on damaged grounds to refurbish the soil. Bamboo also consumes less water in comparison to other types of plants, making it environmentally friendly. Once the bamboo has been harvested, it is broken down into a mushy substance. This way, the natural fibers of the bamboo stalk can be manually combed out and spun into a yarn that is used to create our fabrics. Sarees made from this type of fabric do a great job with absorbing heat and making the body feel cool.

Banana Fiber

Products created with banana fiber are usually more expensive, durable and exclusive. This is because bananas take the longest time to both grow and cultivate. Once the fruit is harvested, a special machine is used to extract the fibers from the banana’s pseudo-stem leaves. Relatively speaking, there is quite a bit more texture to these fabrics and it is commonly mixed with alternative plant cotton to make the blend seamless and soft to the touch.


Orange silk

The production of orange silk is similar to orange fibre. It is made from a process which converts citrus juices into a silk-like material. At the end of this transformation, we proceed to wash the yarn to add its shine.

Wood pulp

This plant-based fibre is produced by extracting strands of wood pulp cellulose, only from certified sustainable forests. These strands are then dissolved, bleached and dried. This entire process involves close-looped technology which means that resources such as water are reused. The end product is a wool-like, fluffy substance that can be spun into yarn.